lørdag 8. januar 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy new year to everybody out here in the digital world.
If I should have a new years resolution this year, it would be to update this blog more often, and with more interesting posts. Bear in mind that I do not make new years resolutions, but still I hope to be able to follow up better this year.
I managed to go through Christmas without painting anything (don't know how really), so I'm still working on my second Chaos warrior unit ("The Shining"). 2 warriors are done, 5 warriros are almost done, and 5 warriors are still just off their sprues. The unit will be 24 strong, but the remaining 12 will follow a little later after the first 12 of the unit of followers of Khorne are done.

Some projects to follow this year, will be Dreadstone Blight, Witchfate Tor, Temple of Skulls, a forrest or two, lots of Space Marines and Imperial Guard units, River trolls, Goblins, Dwarfs, and Chaos.
And there might be more, one never knows...

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