søndag 23. januar 2011

Chaos progress

Just now I have glued the banner to the pole of the standardbearer of "The shining", and in just a little while I will start to paint the last five warriors of the unit. I hope I will manage to have them ready in less time that it took both for the two test models and the five warriors I just completed.

This time I will do it a bit smarter I think, because I will paint all the same colours at the same time. Last time I started with the bodies, then did the heads and then the arms, but this time I will try to do it all at the same time. This takes up a little more space, but hopefully it will get the job done a lot faster.

The plan was to go straight into a new unit of warriors, this time warriors of Khorne. But I do believe the warriors of Khorne will have to wait one round as I feel that will benefit both the unit and me.
The unit because the more inspired I am, the better looking the unit will be. And me because I need the variation.

Haven't decided if I'll make river trolls or a unit from Warhammer 40.000. The proper thing according to my big sceme would be to make something from Warhammer 40.000 but I'll see what I end up with when the time comes.

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