søndag 4. mars 2012

late night update

Time for one more update tonight.
I glued on the belly shields on five of the Ogres, and then I found out that you could see more of the back of the shield than expected. So I've done a little cover up to try to make it look better. It looks ok now, but for future Ogres I will paint more of the back of the shields.
I have painted their connecting belts, and will paint the buckles before I call it a night.
The next paint session will be the beginning of hands, hand weapons and the pole for the banner.
and speaking of the banner, I need to try and figure out what to paint as a symbol on it. 
That might be rather tricky as I am no good at all in freehand painting. After all, my Space Marine chapter symbol ended up being a thick golden line. But I digress...

The Ogre skin seems to be ok now. It seems that my last fix did the job. Also the facial hair looks rather good. I think the combination of blonde and red hair fits the unit well.

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