søndag 4. mars 2012

New month

All of a sudden the calendar has gone from February to March, and spring is slowly coming.
Yesterday I spent several hours in the sun, playing with the dogs. Today it is a little colder outside, so I have returned to working on my unit of Ogres.
The skin seems to be all done now, but it is hard to say if I will need to go back once more.
I will need to do the skin on the hands though, as they are not yet attached to the torsos.
Right now I have painted the beards of the five ogres that has facial hair. Three of them got Terracotta facial hair, and the remaining two got the yellow of Vomit Brown.
The iron on the boots and the middle of the belly shields have gotten their Boltgun metal painted on, and the edges of the shields will be painted Brazen brass when the middle is painted.
Hopefully I will be able to glue the shields on tonight, and start to paint the weapons and hands next time I pick up the brushes.

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