mandag 8. september 2014

Summer holiday is over...

My summer vacation is over, and it's back to work today.
I have gotten quite a lot farther on my Chaos Space Marines, they are now only missing paint on their weapons and then a clean-up before the final wash.

The Chaos Cultists are almost ready too, but I need to paint their skin and a few details on face masks and weapons.

The Ork Bikers are also comming along. I have started to glue the painted drivechains and exhaust pipes to the bikes. The bikers themselves are partially painted, and have a very special look. They look a lot like the motorcycle gang in the movie "Any witch way but loose" and "Any witch way you can" with Clint Eastwood and an monkey named Clyde. Maybe that is why I like them so much...

I have also started to paint the Aquila on my first Shrine (the second one really, as it is the one built straight from the box). My first attempt with the copper paint was not very successful, but I used a thin layer of paint, so I will see if the result gets better with one more thin layer of paint.
If not, I will switch to another copper tone, that I saw a Games Workshop painter use for the new board in a tutorial video. The copper tone doesn't really matter to me, all I want is the buildings to look nice and look good on the shelves and on a future board. I will update with progress...

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