torsdag 4. september 2014

What is going on

Thought I'd drop in a little update on my miniature production.

My first Ork Trukk is 100% done. I'm still debating if I should add wash to it, but so far I have only washed the driver and gunner. I'll see what I can do with the truck some time in the future, as I think it is so nice the way it is.

Grukk Facerippa is almost done ,just needing wash and eyes on Grukk and his "pet" squig. I plan to field Grukk as my Biggest Boss and the general for my Ork waagh, Hazza' Hoff.

I have finished two Meganobz, and the third is going to be my Big Mek Gyvva, the Big Mek genious.
Hopefully he will be finished in a little while, all that is left is painting some tubes to his teleporta and finding out exactly how the Games Worskop designers have planned for it to fit to the contraption.

I have also started to paint my three Bikerz from the box with the Trukk. The bikes themselves will be black with red front, red details and red rims. Some details will also be yellow, like with the trukk.
I have painted most of the basic parts of the bikes, and started to paint and fit the riders, but that will take some time, as I need to have the bikes done before I can glue the riders together as I need a perfect fit for the riders arms.

I have started to paint up some chaos Spacemarines and cultists. I have the "snaptite" box with three Chaos Space Marines, and I am using them as tests for my army. The Cultists looks so cool I just had to start on them right away. They are a box of five, and will be tests for the twenty Cultists in the Dark Vengence box.

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