søndag 26. februar 2023

update on the first Steam Tank

For a litte while I have been trying to decide if I want to paint all the details of the Steam tank separatey and then glue it on or if I should glue it on an then paint it. I decided on the last option. 

I did not look too closely on the instructions before I chose what pieces to glue on, I just chose what I felt looked good and placed it on. When I checked the instructions later I saw that the scrolls hanging on the back row was supposed to hang on the shields, but I think hanging like they do now they look more like they belong to the tank itself.

I have started to paint the details and I think the gold really make the difference. 

I had to add a picture from the front as well.

I look forward to keep painting this as well as the Duardn who is going to stand in the turret.

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