tirsdag 18. november 2008

Base work

Yesterday evening I started basing the first core unit of night goblins. 20 night goblins are based so far, and the remaining 20 will get their bases done on thursday (if everything works according to my plan).
Some miniatures ago I decided that my goblin army should have all grass bases, so I try to live up to that while still making some variations to keep it exiting. Since my Dwarfs will have sand and perhaps some small rocks on their bases, I decided to experiment a little with this on my goblins as well. So some of the bases have a a combination of sand and grass, a very few are all sand, and most are all grass.

All basing materials for the goblin bases are from Games Workshop / Citadel Miniatures.
The sand is Citadel sand, and the grass is my own mixture of Games Workshop Static Grass and Games Workshop Modelling Flock.
On some bases I will add things like mushrooms or fungus or details from other sets that haven't been used there (like from the Night Goblin Fanatics sprues) to give a little more variation.

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