onsdag 19. november 2008

New projects...

With the first core unit of 40 night goblins out of the mobile workshop, and both the mounted Lord of Khorne and the Chaos Champion soon to be finished (only some detailing and assembly left before basing), and the Goblin King well on the way there are room for some new projects.

The mobile workstation is containing the mounted Lord of Khorne (not mounted yet though, but will be very soon), the Chaos Champion, the Goblin King and a few night goblins from my second core unit (3 netters, one standard bearer and two gobbo soldiers).

Yesterday I added two more units to the box.
The first unit is my first batch of Goblin squig hearders (2 goblins and 3 squigs).
The second unit is Masters of the Chapter, 4 highly ranked commanders for my Space Marines army.

Next I will try to do the final brushup on my dwarf miners, and when they are ready for base work, I plan to start on my Iron Breakers.
When I have cleaned up my workshop a little, the plan is to have several units on the table, then take some troops from each unit and paint and asemble them in the mobile workshop.
I think this is the best way for me to assure that all armies get worked on,while at the same time making sure that it doesn't take too long before I get the armies up to a certain point value.
This also keeps me from getting bored with painting lots of one type of troops.

The armies that will get this treatment are:
Space Marines, Ultramarines, 2nd Ultras (my only Warhammer 40.000 army)
Goblin Army (almost "all goblin" army)
Dwarf Army
Mortal Chaos Army

I also have one set of Dark Elves and a few sets of Bretonnians, plus a few partially painted high elves. I haven't yet decided if I will sell these or just keep them stashed away if something should come up.

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