mandag 10. november 2008

Status update November 10th

The last week and the weekend has been full of other activities, so the painting activities has been rather slow. Still, I have managed to finish my first Dreadnought, and since this was a rather simple thing to do I know that there will be more of these in the future. I have one Venerable Dreadnought in the pipe, and then I guess I might visit Forgeworld to get some diversity in to Dreadnoughts still to come...
I had planned to do all the decal work on my finished Space Marine troops this weekend. But as I soon found out, this proved to be a lot harder to get right that I'd thought before I started.
Still, the Dreadnought, two Devastators and one unit of 8 Scouts are ready for their final layer of protective varnish and then the rest of the scouts will follow shortly.

For the Goblins there are no update. I still have to do their bases and do the fixing up on the paintjob. I hope to have a lot done by this time next week.

Since Mortal Chaos is being released in full scale these days I have decided to do some work on my previously bought units and hero choices as well as the spearhead.
On my desk now, I have one Lord of Khorne and one Chaos Champion, and they will hopefully be done in a few days. I'm using these two minis as a test for my future color scheme for the Chaos army, and so far I think the Champion is going to look great. I'm not shure of the Khorne Lord yet, as he will have a lot more red on the armor than the Champion has. But for the moment I am optimistic, and I hope to get both models painted so you can see their stand while still seeing the resemblance to the rest of the army. The plan is that the Champion leads some of the infantry units in to battle, so there will have to be similarities there...

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