onsdag 18. mai 2011


Have been working for a little while with the Marines these last few days.
3 terminators are only missing the gold paint and the washes. They are starting to look like good Marines, and it is not possible to see that they had been painted red before I got them. The painting was done with thin coats, so even after my paintjob they have all their details intact.

The 3 veterans I had to pick apart are now redy to be reassembled. I glued the arms on the first one last night, and will work some more on them tonight to get the white trim on their shoulder guards and finish them.

I have also painted the body, head and shoulder guards of my first Terminator chaplain, but there are so many details to paint that it will probably take a little while to get him ready for action. The pose on him is really cool, with a skeleton mask, stombolter with amunition belts hanging from the gun and a generally mean look to him (click here to see pic at GW website).
Mine was bought used and did not come with the halo, but I will see if I have a spare halo somewhere to use if I feel it will improve his look. He is basically chaos black, but will get chainmail and gold details along with the usual Blood Red and Scull White seals and Skull White washed oath papers. I have high hopes he will be a valued addition to the terminator squads. Not sure if he will be assigned to a special squad or if he will join the squad that needs his assistance most at the time.

I have four (perhaps five if I win my last auction) metal terminators on their way in the mail. The idea is that the regular terminators will join the metal captain I have to form up a squad. One of these five is a chaplain and another is a librarian. There is also one heavy flamer, one assault cannon and one "regular" terminatior among the five. The last three terminators, along with my spare from the Space Hulk batch will go in to this unit.

I see that I get a lot of terminators, probaly too many if I want to field other veterans as well, but I will make them up and then decide from game to game what units to bring with me.

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