søndag 22. mai 2011

slow and steady...

I am not feeling to well today. Throat is very soar and my head feels like it's filled with cotton. Also feels like I am starting to get a fever. My hands are shaking more than usual, and that's why I am happy to report a slow progress on my Marines.
The 3 veterans I have been working on has gotten their arms and shoulder guards attached, and fully painted. All that is missing now is the metal on their breath masks, a little gold detail, the red on the wax seals and a wash.
The 3 terminators are only missing their gold details and washes.
The chaplain and the remaining 6 terminators on the workbench are at different stages of completion. The chaplain and the heavy flamer have their bodies finished but are missing details. The flamer has not gotten the weapon arm attached to his torso yet, but that will be done next time I work on him.

I have also started to paint Sergeant Lorenzo from the Space Hulk set, and it seems like the paints gets a lot more glossy on the plastic that the space Hulk terminators are made of. It will be exiting to see how it will work out.

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