søndag 15. mai 2011

Where's the enemy?

I have received 16 of my 26 terminators, and I've been informed that the remaining 10 is in the mail from Russia. The remaining 10 are the ones that is most special, and they will be my 1st squad. The terminators I have finished earlier will, along with 4 others, form the second squad.
The last man of the squad will get his first paint today.

The remaining 15 terminators are primed black, I also have a box of 5 terminators that was laying on the shelves, and they are also assembled. Only terminator being partially assembled is the one with the augmettic eye and the heavy flamer, as the head needs some extra attention and the heavy flamer covers up parts of the armor that I won't reach if it is glued on.

I took a picture of the Marines I have in my mobile workstation. It's an element from the 1st company, all ready for action...

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