mandag 25. juli 2011

more super heavy updates

Just thought I should add a little more info about the super heavy project. 
Both the Baneblades will be assembled with both a commander and gunner visible in the turret. I don't know what I will do with the Shadowsword yet, as I need to assemble some of it and get the feeling for it before I take that desition. But at the moment I'm leaning towards having some command figure looking out of the hatch of that as well. The Baneblade 01 will have a metal commander from a bit-set. You can see him on the left here. I needed an officer that did not look exactly like Knight Commander Pask, as he will be commanding one of my Leman Russ tanks. So the choice fell on the commander as he looks like a posterboy for an officer. Both dashing in his uniform and battle hardened enough. The Baneblade 02 will have the two original minis that comes with the tank. I will also assemble the standing commander, but he will most likely end up as a commander in some other part of the Imperial forces, as I don't need loose figures for the tanks. I also have some commanders in my bits box that will see action in one of many tanks in this army. When it comes to painting, I have decided on a basic groundwork of Chaos Black and Adeptus Battle Grey (dark grey color). The main armorplates will be painted in dark grey, and the underside of the tank and the towers will be painted black. I will also paint some details on the tank black. The main gun will be black or dark gray, and the smaller guns will be painted gun metal. I plan to paint a camouflage pattern of lighter gray on the tank, but have not yet decided how to paint this pattern, other than it will be painted on top of both background colors.

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