onsdag 27. juli 2011

Super heavy almost ready...

My Baneblade is now almost completely assembled. The tank is finished and looking mighty big and impressive standing on top of its box. The one thing (or rather two) that is missing before I paint it up is the commander and gunner, and their hatches in the tower.
I didn't manage to get all the turrets movable as described in the instructions. I know I had some glue residue that keeps the heavy bolter turrets from rotating, but this doesn't really bother me as I expect them to behave like the similar turrets on the Leman Russ. There the paint was scraped off when the turrets were swung, so I ended up gluing them shut on that mini. Still the heavy bolters move up and down as they should.

I would have liked to have the lascannon towers moving, but they are assembled with a bolt pinning through the turret and it should be glued with a tiny drop of glue at the bottom. I would have liked the hole to be deeper so that the bolt reached farther away from the tower. This would have made it a lot easier to glue the bolt shut without getting glue to smear out under the turrets. Still, I positioned them in a way that makes the tank look very threatening.

The cannon on the main body is fully movable, and also the main cannon in the tower have the elevation it is supposed to have. The small heavy bolter turret at the front is assembled and has full rotation. This turret is made just like the main turret, and this would actualy be the best solution for the side turrets as well if Games Workshop was to change something in the design on their super heavies in the future. I think this is more important than making drive sprockets that attaches to both sides of the side walls as other people have commented on in forums and blogs about 40K.

All in all I am very happy with the way GW has made the set, and it will be very nice to use it both for Apocalypse and display purposes.

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