tirsdag 17. april 2012

Imperial Guard setup

I thought I would write a little bit about the diferent kinds of units that I plan to introduce to my Imperial Guard army and roughly how they will be organized on the battlefields.

Infantry: The infantry is the backbone of the army. Infantrymen are mostly humans, but there will also be units of Ratling snipers and of Ogryns.
The human infantrymen are consisting of riflemen, heavy weapon squads and special forces.
The infantry is split in two different branches, one is made up from Cadian miniatures, and the other is made up from Catachans. When everything is ready, they might all be just one force where the Cadians are urban warfare specialists and the Catachans are terrain specialists (jungle warfare).

Mobile Infantry: Some of the infantry will be set up with dedicated Chimera transports, and will act as rapid response troops and mobile infantry. They will serve as infantry protection for armored collumns, work with the cavalry and also be able to react fast to enemy attacks and give their support where the fighting is the heaviest.

Artillery: The army will probably not be the most artillery-heavy army in the Imperial Guard, but they will have their share of guns and rockets to soften the enemy or provide a heavy bombardment for the Infantry to use as a shield while they're attacking heavily fortified enemy positions.

Cavalry: There will be quite a lot of cavalry forces in the army. Some units of airborne cavalry, but mostly tanks. The cavalry units will have many of the different Leman Russ versions, and also some Hellhounds (and similar wehicles) and a small selection of Super Heavy tanks. Already there is one Baneblade ready to roll on to the battlefield.
The Leman Russ tanks will be painted up both for urban and terrain fighting, while the Super Heavy tanks will only be painted up for urban warfare.

I will see what I do when it comes to making up companies and regiments. I was thinking of having several different, but at the moment I'm thinking more along the lines of holding the army as compact as possible to keep the nessessary commanders down to a minimum.

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