mandag 9. april 2012

Ogres are finally finished!

It sure took long enough!
I finally got the Ogres done this afternoon, and it sure feels good to have finished my first project in a long time.
Now I'm going to work faster with my Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad, so I don't have to write as many posts about them... That is not the motivation, but I do want to get them done as soon as possible for other reasons.

But before I go on about the heavy weapon squad, I would like to finish talking (or rather writing) about the Ogres.
The unit consists of six Ogres, and they all have some sort of extra equipment like a bag of food or a keg of grog or something similar, and they all have an extra knife or a butchers axe. All in all I am quite happy with the way they turned out, and I am pretty sure that this was the first batch, and that several more will come at a later time.
The lookout platform on top of the banner is tilting a little bit forward, as it was rather big to stand on a thin pole while the glue was drying, but I figure that is just the proof of the quality (or should I say lack of quality) on gnoblar engineering. The glue has dried well now, and it should stay on.

I have earlier said that my next Fantasy-project should be dwarfs, but something has come up. This something is that I found an old can of paint that was bought for one special GW set, the plastic River Trolls. The Trolls will be used in my Goblin army as either two units of three, or one unit of six (whatever works best according to the rules existing at the time I finally get my Goblin army ready for the gaming scene) . The project will be three of these trolls (one box), and if they turn out well, then the remaining three will follow shortly.

But before I start on those trolls, there is time to do a 40K project, and that project is a Cadian heavy weapon squad for the Xerxes Imperial Guard.
For this project I will add some Tamya 1:35 sandbags to the bases to make it look a little different than all other heavy weapon bases. The sandbags will be a little big, but I figure with all equipment available so far in the future they are sure to have something to help them lift heavy sandbags. After all they are transporting the heavy weapons around, and the lascannon is bigger than a man.
This first six man squad will be armed with two lascannons and a heavy bolter. I know it's most usual to have three of a kind, but there are no rules that I can find that says it has to be so. My reason for splitting it up is that as a commander I would be concerned about not being able to defend the lascannons against an infantry attack (that is where the heavy bolter comes in). So until someone tells me it is legally wrong, I will add one heavy bolter in each heavy weapons squad.

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