torsdag 8. mai 2014

Finished assembling the Shrine

Just got the last pieces of walkways done yesterday.
Hopefully it has all dried allright by now, so that I can go to the next step and spraypaint the entire building with a basecoat of black.
If everything goes according to my plan, I won't have to paint the entire building after that, but just paint everything that is supposed to be of another colour than black. This would be all the details on the outside, and some details on the inside as well.
I hope I get to do it that way, as it will save a lot of time and paint. It will still take a long time to finish as there is a lot of details, but since this is a centerpiece it will be worth it.

The black buildings will look good with the dark grey and black ground, and they will get lots of little details that will give each building a special look.

I plan to build the other Shrine of the Aquila that I have as the next building. It will be built strait out of the box, and will be a corner piece. This will not get any extra stuff, so it will look a lot simpler than the shrine that I have built now. But both buildings will get a lot of gold or bronze paint on the big eagle head and the wall section that is on the front, so this will be a very clear contrast to the black of the rest of the bulding. The big Shrine will also have the same metal color on some of the structures that looks like an eagle head, and on some other places of the building.

I will buy a few more buldings, and these will be assembled from my imagination to fit some design ideas I have. I will have two buildings with a bridge between them, and maybe I will have a building that is still rather intact with a Skyshield Landingpad attached to it somwhere, or a building with a short bridge to the skyshield. Looking forward to letting my imagination run free.

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