lørdag 31. mai 2014

Quake cannon craters

Last night I assembled 4 quake cannon craters as scenery for my 40K table-to-come.
I had high hopes for these, but was a little bit dissapointed when assembling them, as it wasn't such a tight fit that I woud have wanted.
The assembly in itself was a no-brainer, with 8 half craters going to end up as 4 craters. But for some of them, the fitting was a bit off from perfect.
So I will need to use a little bit of liquid greenstuff to make the craters look good before I paint them.
I think I will buy one more pack, and keep some craters as half-craters, so they look more like ruins or rubble, as they look quite good apart from the fit.
I have tried to assemble the craters so they all get an individual look, while finding crater pieces that look good together.

They are now ready to be sprayed black, before I start the big job of painting up all the details.

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