lørdag 18. oktober 2014

More ruined buildings and an update

When I built my modified Skyshield I used wallsections from three boxes of Manifactoum buildings. I only used sections that were impossible to see through, so I have several spare wallplates, some are whole and some are just partial wallsections.
When I was at Games Workshop today, I had a look at how they had solved the issue with spare wallsections, and decided to have a go at something similar.
I have always said that I would like to build several buildngs from my own mind instead of from the Citadel instructions that comes with the boxes, but seeing how several wall picees could be set up to become a totally ruined house was really someting I hadn't thought too much about. So today I sat down and assembled some wallsections with no other purpose but to be one wall.

I made one really small building, with two wallsections and two ruined walls, so that it looks like one corner of the building has taken a direct hit from a big gun. Not sure what kind of building it has been originally. Had it been a 1980's building I would have called it a phone booth, but I doubt they have that in 40K... I might add details to it later to clarify what it is, but for now it is a great place to hide a sniper.

I made a small ruined wall where the floor is almost intact but with no roof at all, and one building where one wall is intact and with roof. I will probably go back to this building and add another floor if I can get it to fit. Not sure how that will work inside manifactorum wallsections, as there are things sticking out here and there, but I might just do some more cutting...

I've also planned how to buid one Sanctum Imperialis. I will make the entire first floor, intact and with a roof. Then I will build a second floor that is in ruins like on the original building, but maybe with a few more ruined corners. This depends a little bit on how many ruined corners there are in the original box. But I have three or four  boxes, so I am sure I can manage.
Then the rest of the tiles will be used for different smaller ruins.

I have one Basilica Administratum, and I plan to build this fairly like the design on the box, but when I start to assemble it I might get some ideas...

One unopened Manifactorum box will be used to bild one manifactorum building, but I haven't decided how it will be except that it will have a big chimney.

Next Saturday I will take part in a greenstuff class at Games Workshop where we will learn different techniques for greenstuffing. We will use a Nurgle Chaos Lord for the purpose, and a whole lot of greenstuff. Hopefully this will give me some tricks to use for converting other minis as well, as that is one thing I don't do that well as of now. Every time I use greenstuff on a model it looks as it has gotten a plaster cast because of a broken limb.

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