onsdag 22. oktober 2014

Sanctum Imperialis done

I have all but finished my Sanctum Imperialis plan.
The buidling ended up four sections wide and three sections deep.
The first floor has a full roof, and then the second floor is ruins. The front wall is intact, but the other walls are built from wallsections that all have some battle damage.
The building has a balcony over the front gate, and the doors of the gate on the second floor are open.
To open the doors I had to cut them open with a hobby knife, but that worked fairly well. Only problem is that when I added a floor the area behind the doors was heightended a few millimeters and that is just enough to make it impossible to put the open doors in to the doorframe.
Still, I think it will look ok, and go unnoticed when the building is done.

I have one more thing to do, and that is to add the back door, but I plan to do this after I have done my greenstuff training, as I think I will need to do some tricks to make this door and door frame look like a ruin.

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