tirsdag 7. oktober 2014

And already we have the month of October

I haven't been able to paint as much as I would have liked since the last update. There are 3 main reasons for this.
1. My Niece and Nephew was visiting me one entire weekend. This was very nice and I liked it a lot, but it didn't get any models painted. I did get to play Wii-U and build several Lego sets though...
2. Work has been taken up a lot of time, and that certainly don't get much painting done.
3. After a very long day at work I tend to fall asleep on the couch in front of my laptop before I can get down to my hobbyroom.

Still I have gotten a little bit done since the last update...

I have finished som more on the Snap-tite Orks, and they are just missing a few tiny details before they are done. Some horns that need a metal finish and a few details on the magazines on two shootas.

The Ork Bikers are a long way closer to being finished. I have finished painting everything except some details on their heads, and there are a few details that needs to be glued on. The heads (as they are still being worked on) and the front bumper things are missing on all three bikes, and the lead bike is missing a bosspole with a Grot. This was painted up on my last session and will be glued on in the next.

The Meganobs and the BigMek got some unpainted small details finished yesterday, and I also finished painting the wires for the teleporta, Next session I will glue the wires on to the device, and complete the BigMek.

I have not gotten any more done on my Chaos Cultists or the Chaos Warriors, but there are not much left before they are ready for the final wash and basework.

I have several Orks in varius stages of completion on my shelves, and one tray of Orks has gotten some work done since the last time. It is about 20, and a few of them had their armour and "uniforms" painted black from earlier. Now they all have green skin, and the next step will be to paint the black on the ones missing that colour.

I have also gotten som more scenery work done. My Warhammer FB tower is assembled and ready for painting. This will be done with a black spray basecoat, followed by grey (hopefully drybrushed) stones.

For Warhammer 40K I have almost finished a Skyshiled Landing Pad built form parts bought on Ebay and two (might be three before I am done) sets of Manifactorum buildings.
The Landing Pad is glued on to the top of a building designed 4 wallsections wide. Then I have the building go a little further than the Landing Pad itself, so that I can add a second floor to a small section of the building to make an entrypoint from the Landing Pad and into the building.
I don't have the exact usage for the building yet, but I am quite sure this will come to me at a later time.

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