mandag 27. april 2015

Status update

The desk is flowing over with projects at the moment.
I have started to fix some of the dwarfs I got for free, and some of the ones that came based.
I was at Games Workshop on Saturday, and apparently the magic number for dwarf units are 30 if you want them to pack some punch in combat. So this means I have to rethink my units from the last post. I have started this work, but it will take some time to complete as I need to see what I have, and how to mix boxes to build the optimum amount of dwarfs and the right kind of units.

I have started to make a Ranger unit that packs the right kind of punch. They will be 30 rangers, have a full command, and all will have crossbows in their hands, and axes strapped to their backs.
To make this unit I will need 2 and some boxes of Thunderers/Quarrelers as I need 30 dwarfs. There are 16 in each box, but 4 have capes and it won't look good with axes on the outside of their capes.
The caped dwarfs from these and some other boxes will go in to a separate unit that I will build as Thunderers.
Then I will make one unit of Quarrelers, also with 30 dwarfs. Then I'll see what to make with the rest of the dwarfs, but probably Quarrelsers in an unknown unit size.

I also plan to make 2 units of 30 dwarf Warriros, one unit of 30 Longbeards and a unit of 30 Irondrakes (or if that gets too expensive a smaller unit of Irondrakes and a big unit of Ironbreakers).

While working with my dwarfs I also try to complete the Dreadnaughts. So far I have painted quite a lot of the first Grey Knight dreadnought and also of the librarian dreadnought. The idea is to paint both dwarfs and Dreadnoughts until they are done. I will also try in between to finish the washes of my Chaos Space Marines, the Grey Knights and my Imperial Guard units. The plan is also to paint up the Imperial Guard tanks.

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