tirsdag 15. juni 2021

Treebeard is built

Finally managed to finish building Treebeard. The job itself didn't take more than two sessions once I got started. Had a hard time with some of the instructions as the illustration pictures was even worse in the Middle Earth range than in the regular range of Aos and Warhammer 40K.

Here we see the Ancient Treebeard standing next to the Treelord Ancient. As we can see there is quite a difference between them,. Treebeard has thicker and more natural looking legs, but the rest of the body is skinnier and has a lot less branches. 

I was surprised that Treebeard looked so small when I built him, but I see when he is built that he is about the same size as the Treelord Ancient. 

it is impossible to see on this picture, but to make Treebeard blend in a little bit more to the Sylvaneth range I made sure he had an owl sitting on him. The owl is sitting on a stump on his head, just about where the Hobbits could sit if I would like to have them on the miniature. I had originally thought I might replace them with a Duardin, but when I saw how tiny the Hobbit figures were I scrapped that idea immediately.  

I stopped by Games Workshop in Oslo yesterday afternoon and picked up what I was missing to finish the Treelord minis (or rather Treebeard and the Blood Bowl tree) and that was 105 mm oval base. I had ordered them a little over a week ago together with a Skitarii Marshal for my Mechanicus army in 40K and a White Dwarf magazine and the new Sisters of Battle codex that was released this weekend. 
With the bases in house it means I can finish the treelords and prepare them for priming. Treebeard just needs to be glued to the base, so he is easy to fix. For the Blood Bowl tree I want to add some height to the base, so I will have to work a bit with that. The idea is to build up a platform of rocks, and maybe some cork in the middle, and then place the tree on top of that. If I end up with cork in the middle I will make sure it is painted with Astrogranite technical paint, but if I can get the same result just using natural rocks I think that would be best. Another positive thing with doing that is that I can add some branches (leftover back parts from the Dryads) in the cracks to make it look a lot more that it is part of the undergrowth in a forest. I have lots of  packs with rocks from Games Workshop, so it is just a matter of finding rocks that is stack-able enough.

I also picked up my Warsong Revenant, and I will build that and the final Treelord next, before working on some of my other armies. I have a unit of Space Wolve that I need to do some work on to get them in to the Deathwatch, and ots of Necrons and Space Marines to build.

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