søndag 22. januar 2023

Dwarfs or Cities of Sigmar...

I've had a unit of Dwarfs standing on my workbench for quite some time. This is not those dwarfs.
I started to paint that unit many years ago while I was working on my Dwarf keep for Armies on Parade. But I had too many Dwarfs so I decided that unit had to go. But before I got there I had started to paint their bodies so I decided to finish that. For some reson I decided to paint the arms separately, probably because I wanted to paint the unit to a high standard. But I've managed to misplace the bag or box of arms somehow, so last time I was at my storage room I decided to bring home a box I knew contained sprues hoping I could find the arms I need to finish the unit. I didn't though, but that is for later...

What I did find was some torsos that I hadn't assembled. I had many spare fronts, so I decided to make some Dwarfs. So far I have assembled four, but I have five more to assemble. I decided not to care about making a unit, so I just found some parts on the sprue and got started. I think what I have here is a command squad and a "gunner". I have found parts to make a couple more with guns and also some with crossbows.   

The first thing I found was an instrument. I love making weird instruments for my musicians, and when I was looking for the arms I found this head and decided it would be cool to use on the instrument since it had the right size. For his other hand I used a pistol, so I am thinking he is the musician for a unit of gunners.

The second one I made today had the same torso as the unit I haven't found the arms for. I had already glued him together, so I didn't want to pry him apart again and change the torso. So I found a hand holding a pipe and glued that to his left hand and like the musician he got a gun in his right. It is not easy to see in these pictures, but I promise it will be visible when he is painted up.

This is the gunner I made, He is a quite simple build really, but I found a nice head with a lot of bling.

Finally I made a standard bearer to complete the command unit. I had a few different standards to choose from but decided on this as this was the most special. I gave him a gun too, to tie him in with the other two command characters. At the moment I have no idea what kind of unit they are with, but I am quite sure it is a special unit of some sort and that it will come out sometime in the future... 

I mentioned earlier that I did not find the right arms to use on my armless unit, so as usual I have come up with a stupid plan. As far as I  remember there are two types of Dwarfs in the old range, it is the ones with axes and shields and it is the ones with guns or crossbows. My bet is that I have a box or two of the axe and shield units in my big box of Dwarfs, so if I take their arms and use them for my armless unit, I can replace their heads and chests with the ones that can be used with guns or crosbows and then I can convert them to that. But I will see what is in the box and no matter what I find I will make some more classic Dwarfs to use in my Cities of Sigmar army. I know I have some boxes of the newer Dwarfs and I plan to use them as Longbeards as they are a unit that still exit in the current rules. But I might leave them in the box in storage for a while though, as I have so many human units for Cities of Sigmar already at home. I also have a box of even older Dwarfs (the metal ones) that are built and painted by somebody esle, and I would love to prime them again and paint them my way. I don't know what will happen yet, but expect to see more Dwarfs here going forward.

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