søndag 8. januar 2023

Sons of Behemat, base done

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I had to make a new base for my finished Mega-Gargant as I needed his tall base for King Urchin Earthfan, So now Beechmast Candlesnuff is placed on a flat base. 

I haven't taken taken any detail pictures to show off Beechmast himself as he has been presented before.

The base is made with a wall from an old Warhammer Fantasy scenery set that consisted of several wallpieces and a few signposts. Then the base is covered with a mix of Stirland Battlemire and Stirland Mud just to make a little variation. Most of the base is covered with Battlemire though. Then the base is drybrushed with three different greens. The fist is Death World Forest and that is also used on the rim of the base. Then I used Elysian Green that is a little lighter and brighter, and finally the much lighter Nurgling Green. originally I just used Nurgling gren on small areas, but here I used it almost s much as Elysian Green. I also glued on some grass tufts, and that color is called Mordian Corpsegrass.

Here is a closeup of the wall. At the base of the wall is a little row of grass,When i looked at this picture I noticed I had forgotten to pint the metal ring on the fencepost, so I need to do that the next time I sit down to paint and then I will paint it either Leadbelcher or Iron Hands Steel depending on what pot I find first, then I will drybrush it a little with Ryza Rust. 

I really like the closeup of his feet were you can see how his nails have been painted with Snakebite Leather, and this will be used for both fingernails and toenails for all the Giants.

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