søndag 22. januar 2023

Update on Mangler Squigs

Here is a little update on my Loonboss on Mangler Squigs. I sat down this weekend and painted the saliva in a blueish tone with a Contrast paint. I also looked through the model and cleaned up the parts where I managed to get the the wrong colored paint on already painted areas. 
I then added Stirland Battlemire and Stirland Mud to the base. The bottles were a bit old so they had some dried paint in them but I think I managed to remove that from the base so it didn't end up on the finished base. 

What remains before I can call this big mini finished is drybrushing the base and painting the rim, trying to glue on the little goblin that broke off the top squig (decided that his leg is too thin to pin it in place) and then finaly glue the two mangler squigs together.

I really enjoyed this mini, and there is a chance I might add a second Mangler squig to my collection in the future, but then I will not put a loonboss on it use the other combination provided in the box.

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