søndag 22. januar 2023

the future of the Dwarf army

I have gone through my dwarfs and divided everything up into units. I have the two units that I have talked about before, armed with axes and shields and two-handed axes, and from the same boxes I will make 3 more units of 20, armed with long-guns, crossbows and warhammers and shields.They will all have the standard command unit with champion, musician and standard bearer and 17 regular warriors.

The next unit I'll make will have 14 figures on the sprues as I've already built 6 of tehm from the extra parts I found in the spruest, making it a total of 20. This will be a special unit armed with pistols and long-guns and they will be named The Rat-pack and will be specialists in fighting in sewers and catacombs againt the rats of the Skaven.

Some of the old miniatures that was in a drawer in my desk along with one sprue from the boxes used above will make up a unit with shields and axes, Here there will be different poses, but they all have the same type of armor.

I had a lot of old dwarfs armed with long-guns, but they had 3 different poses and none of them were enough to field as a single unit as the Cities of Sigmar rules says the minimum unit size is 10 minis. So I added them in to one big unit of 25. It will look a little weird, but I think it will come out good in the end if I place them a little strategic in the unit.

Another big unit will be the Hammerers. They are also 25 strong and they are also old metal minis. They will be the bodyguard of the Low King and surround him when he goes on the battlefield. Some of these minis are painted up quite nicely, but to make them my own I still need to repaint them. I will take inspiration from the old paintjob though. The Low King himself will be represented by the miniature of Thorgrim Grudgebearer sitting on his big throne with the Book of Grudges in front of him. The throne is carried by four dwarfs. This is a resin kit still on the sprues, so it will not be one of the first I build, but I will do it in due time.

I also have two units of Miners to go in the army. They are a mix of plastic and metal minis and one is 20 strong while the other ended up with 17. The miners look so different from the other units that I can't just modify them to make more, but who knows maybe I will find some on Ebay in the future. I also sthink I have some miners that I have built previously and if so I might include them and then I might be able to boost the units up to about 30 strong. 

All these units are the old traditional Dwarfs that you could see on the battlefields of Warhammer Fantasy. But I also have two units with newer miniatures. The first unit is Longberds made from two boxes of 10, and they will be armed with axes and shields as they make a great shield wall in the Cities of Sigmar rules, also their pose looks kind of cool.

The other unit is a unit of Ironbreakers (also 2 boxes of 10 each) but they look so different from the original Ironbreakers that I have decided to make them as Irondrakes, and that will be the only ones in the army.

And speaking of Ironbrakers, I also have 8 old-style Ironbrakers that I will add to the army some way. Hopefully I can add them to an Ironbreaker unit I have made previously.

I also have some heavier weapons for the army, and that is two regular cannons and an organgun cannons with full 3-man crew for each. I also have an organgun that is missing a wheel, but I am sure I can find a solution to that with either two new wheels or one identical wheel. Actually I belive I already have as I seem to remember seeing a small plastic bag with wheels in it in my bitz-collection.

I also have a big cannon that I originally was a flamecannon, but I have decided that it just will be a big cannon called Big Bertha as I am missing the tanks that contain the fluid that makes the flames and also some of the specialized looking crew. It is also missing a base so I need to figure something up for that but I am sure I can make some sort of frame with parts from other sets. I have found a crew to work on it, and because it is such a big gun I have decided the crew will consist of four men isteadd of the normal three.

Another special unit is a unit of rangers armed with crossbows and axes and a standard bearer with a pistol. This unit is 16 strong.

The final unit is a unit of 10 warriors armed with axes and shields. 

I also have one more incomplete unit with 7 various slayers. I originally thought about using Fyreslayers as slayers for my army but decided against it as they look too distinct. I might have to go on Ebay and see if I can find 3 more to make it in to a unit of 10 as that seems to be the "magical" number for Cities of Sigmar. I am quite sure they can be smaller units if I field them in the classic Dwarf army. 

Then there are several characters and single miniatures. One of them is actually a unit of 3 with a lord standing on a shield being carried by two other dwarfs. He was originally planned to be my general, but things evolve...

There are 3 engineers with handguns that will be part of the Engineering guild, 4 Thanes who are leaders of the Dwarf clans, 3 dwarfs with beer (one of them is an original metal Josef Bugman-figure), and 3 beautifully sculpted old metal figures that I don't know the origin for.

The final figure is a grudge-pony.

I also have some boxes still in storage that contain a small group of figures or a single figure. This is a mix of old metal figures like Malakin Makaisson and his Goblin hewer, Thorek Ironbrow and the Anvil of Doom and what I think is either a Grugde thrower or a Bolt thrower. There are also some blister packs with among other things White Dwarf subscription figures. Some of these might be possible to add to the army, while others like the birthday figure and the movie director will be just for display purposes but they will be made at a later time. 

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