fredag 13. januar 2023

Sons of Behemat, working on more models at the same time

Here are some more work in progress pictures of my Sons of Behemat Mancrushers. 

My idea is to get as many gargants with their skin and pants painted as possible as this is the biggest parts of the models. Then I plan to do the remaining details in bigger batches. The skin looks a little glossy here, but I have only added the base paint (Bugmans Glow) and then I will add a layer of Guilliman Flesh that is a contrast paint and that will give it a more natural looking skin tone and tak the gloss off.

I have also started to paint some of the wooden parts like the handles of the weapons. The barrels that most of the gargants carry in the back of their belt will be painted a lighter brown-tone later. This is done with contrast paint as I think that gives it the natural wood look.

The first gargant here is Elder Whitewash, he has Khorne red pants, and will have grey hair. I have not yet decided on what paint I want to use to achieve the gray hair, but I will look at some turorials and see if I can find a recommended method to use. He has a massive rock on his base, and the bird that has to be on all gargant miniatures is sitting on that rock. The rock is made from one half of the club that came with the new sprue to make the Sons of Behemat King and that other gargant that came from the same new sprues in that box.  

I just wanted to add this pic to show how I keep track on who is who. All bases are named like this so that I can easily see who is who without getting out my laptop and checking my Excel spreadsheet with information about the entire Sons of Behemat army.
The residue you see under the base is a reaction from the primer and the double sided tape that I stick them to the cardboard box with when priming the models and it will be scraped off before I paint the rim of the base when the model is fully painted.

Next gargant on the table is Ruddy Brittlegrill. I wanted to do something a little different with him, as he has a big shield with some spears behind it glued on his back. This is just a trophy, but sometimes the thin spears can come in handy to pin down pipsqueaks on the battlefield until he has time to come back and collect them for food. 
Because of the shield I couldn't add any barrels to him, so I placed one on the base instead, and put the bird on top of it. I also added a pitchfork that came with the Mancrusher sets, and I think they will appear elsewhere too. Either on other gargant bases, or with other armies as I have plenty of them in my bitz boxes after building 15 Mancrushers.
Ruddy is the gargant I talked about in an earlier post where the color of his pants really surprised me. This is quite a heavy coat of Sigvald Burgundy, and is quite purple and not the very dark red as I had thought from the name. But it is no problem as I really liked this purple, and the pants are not ment to be a unison color after all. Here I have also painted the top of the statue that is attatched to his "sling" hanging from his belt. This will be drybrushed with lighter grays later, and the straps will be painted either like leather or like some sort of canvas when it's done. 

For the last one for this update I didn't manage to get the best picture, but this is Ryddys brother (I think Ruddy is the older of them) Tardy Brittlegrill. There are a lot of brothers in this army, because there are so many fungus/mushroom names that share the same "last name".I do believe Tardy is the only left handed gargant in this army and possibly in the entire realm, so he is easy to recognize on the battlefield. With so many arm/hand options in the set I find it a little weird that GW didn't give us any left handed weapon options. I took a piece of club from the Mega-gargant box and glued it to an open hand. It is not as perfect fit as it would be if it was molded , but it is the best I could manage with that I had available. I didn't want to use greenstuff on it to make it fit better with the hand as I then would have to add greenstuff to the entire thing if I wanted it to look natural, and that would make the giant club even bigger and more out of proportion. 
I do believe I have one more gargant with the same club, but he holds it in his right hand, and there I used the same right hand Ruddy and Elder have and just cut the staff just a little above the hand so it looks like he has made a handle for his club. The club looks huge, and apart from the Space Marines I think this is the only army where you can use  such oversized weapons with no worries.
The club was painted before I settled on a standard way of painting wood, so I have not decided yet if I want to go back and prime it again with a brush and repaint the club with the new standard color or if I feel it will be ok. I will take a look at all the gargants that had their wooden details painted in this way and make a decision the next time I sit down to paint.  
He has green trousers, but I don't remember the name of the contrast paint right here but I will write it down next time I sit down to work so that I can report it correctly when I show him off when he is done.

That is all for this update, and in the next post I hope I have some updates on the Mangler Squig you see partially on the left side of this picture.

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