torsdag 17. mars 2011

been to GW today...

Dropped by my "local" GW Store in Oslo today (has to be my local since it's the only one and just 50 kms away from where I live)...
Picked up my new Orc & Goblin rulebook and the new spider (GW's biggest plastic mini so far).
I look forward to start to assemble and paint it, but I will do a few other projects before that (at lest River Trolls and my ongoing Space Marine project).

Haven't asssembled or painted more Space Marines since my last post, and haven't gotten around to taking the promised pictures either. That's the problem with packing the minis away when visitors arrive, it's hard to find the motivation to unpack them again later... I'm looking forward to getting some time to tidy up my hobby room in the basement, so that I can start to sit more down there. At the moment there are some boxes, a lot of sheet music and generally a lot of stuff down there keeping me from getting the space I need to bring out the heater to make the room liveable. But spring is upon us, and soon I won't need the heater anyway. Hopefully I will still get to tidy up a bit even if I don't have that motivation for it...

Got some very good tips both for using my caped Dark Angels as veterans, and how to arm some of the units I have yet to assemble. I am more determined than ever to get a good lot of marines painted up.

I was also shown some of the new Grey Knight models in various stages of assembly, and got to see the codex and hear some about what is comming. This has made me decide that there will be Grey Knights in my future. The release date is April 2nd I think, but I will wait a little longer before I shop (payday ain't before the 15th). I will start off with a few sets and take it from there. I have some loose plans, but will need to read the codex and learn more about the Grey Knights before I make a big plan. But I think they do fit very nice in to an Apocalypse army beside my Space Marines and Imperial Guards. Might be some Sisters of Battle in there as well before I have enough points for an Apocalypse game...

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