mandag 7. mars 2011

More Marines

I have decided to try and make the most of my Space Marines for a while. I'm getting real anxious to start playing and so I will paint Space Marines until I get bored, then I will get back to my strategy of one 40K project followed by one Fantasy project.
I will do a little Fantasy painting in between though, as I plan to paint up my first forrest. That is something that can be done while I work on other projects. I also plan to spray a basic paint (chaos black) on my Temple of Sculls so that I can start to paint this up little by little.

On my worktable in the basement, there are enough marines to assemble 3 tactical squads. At the moment I am missing heavy support weapons, as they all (except for 2 inteded sargeants) are armed with bolters. There might be one Marine with flamer, but I am not 100% sure about this. These are all missing arms, shoulderguards, backpacks and extra equipment if I would like to add that. The torsos are painted, already. I might have some extra flamers around, so for some of these marines it may be that I replace their bolters with flamers. I'll check with the rules how many heavy weapons are allowed and what sorts.

From the spare knealing legs from my command squad and spare bitz from my box I have assembled one marine with a missile launcher. He will probably join one of the tactical squads. He will be painted up together with the command squad I am working on at the moment.

I have 10 veterans for my 1st squad being worked on at the moment. 5 of them are only missing some paint here and there, and the last 5 are missing shoulderguards and backpacks.

I also have an assault squad in the works. The sargeant is assembled but is missing the new chapter inignia, a little paint and a good wash. The remaining 4 are in the same state as the tactical squads.

Telion and some captains are also under way. Telion (or McTee as he will be named in the Gatekeepers) is still in the basement, but 3 captains and an apothecary (originally Corbulo of the Blood Angels) are nearing completion in the livingroom.

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