søndag 13. mars 2011

More progress

The Venerable Chaplain Dreadnought is now 100% complete, the finishing touches was done just now. I will take pictures as soon as our visitors have left later in the afternoon.
It is quite different from the Games Workshop Venerable Dreadnought, so I will also take a pic of the two together.
It seems like 12 hours of rest has helped the superglue harden a bit, as I don't feel it is as wobbly today as I felt it was yesterday. Still, I will be very careful with it and will probably only use it in some of my games.

I hope to have all the Dark Angel minis ready before I call it a night, so that I can get them sorted in to squads and get their points counted. I think I will need a few more of them to make whole squads of them, so I will take a little trip on Ebay and see what I can find.
I also need 4 more Terminators to make a 10 man squad. I have 5 more boxed up on the shelves, but that way I will always have one too many, and I need more anyway. The plan is to have 40 Terminators in 1st squad to leave some room for both normal veterans, Sternguard veterans and Vanguard veterans.

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