søndag 1. mars 2015

Another week, another project

I never got around to basing and washing my chaos space marines, so they didn't go to the competition with me. Instead I brought an Imperial guard heavy weapon squad (yes, I know it's Astra Militarum now, but Imperial Guard just sound so much better...).
They are the first completely finished heavy weapon team for my army, and I will post pictures of them next week when I get them back from the Games Workshop store. They wished to have the entries in the store for a week, so I'll post pics next weekend.

Today I've been working more on my Tempestus Scions, fixing backpacks and the vox caster, and painting some details. Next sitting with them I think I will be ready to glue the backpacks and the vox operator's arm on.

I did the basic work on one of my buildings today. I made up my own brush-technique that I call wet-brushing. It's very similar to drybrushing, but with a brush full of paint. This sets the standard for all my buildings for the future, but since I use a lot of paint I will try to learn drybrushing and see if I get the same kind of result. The building is painted Mechanicus Standard Gray, and the door and pipe as well as some smaller details will be bronze. It is not finished yet, just a work in progress...

The walkways are painted in the same way with metal (Leadbelcher), same color as I will use on the ducts and the small pipes on the top of the building.

The final project of the day is two new heavy weapon squads. These are Catachans  and will serve with 2nd Platoon.
I have painted their pants, the metals and the plants. If you look closely you will see that the trees have a lighter color on their leaves than the meat eating flowers.
I like the Catachans, and look forward to finish these units. I haven't decided on the color on their scarves yet, but the rest of the colors are going to be my standard army colors.
I have not assembled these units, so I will not take credit or blame for the way they are set up. They were bougt used on Ebay and are probably painted up, tripped and re-primed. I like some of the things that are done with them, but there are also some things I would have done different. We'll get back to that once the units are done and ready for a better presentation...

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