tirsdag 10. juni 2008

Space Marine Chapter

As promised, here is a little more about my Space Marine plan.
Ever since I was a little boy I've had "a thing" for the United States Marine Corps, and I guess my Space Marine plan has escaped my warped mind because of this.

When I decided to take the step into Warhammer 40.000, I knew I wanted to build a Space Marine army. Since my main army in the Warhammer Fantasy will be a mortal chaos army (although I probably will end up with a dwarf army and perhaps a Bretonnian army as well) I was quite clear that my Warhammer 40.000 Space Marines should be serving the "good cause" and not be a chaos unit.

I first bought a unit of 5 scouts with sniper rifles, and then I found 3 more scouts on Ebay. These will become a unit of 8 scouts, 6 with sniper rifles and 2 with Missile Launchers. The unit will be led by a Sgt. with a sniper rifle.
I have also bought me a Space marine devastator with Laser cannon, and he is currently under construction along with the scouts. This regular Space Marine will be a part of one of the regular companies to follow (have a few boxes on the shelves, and more to follow this weekend).

I realy like the look of the Ultramarines, but reading about them in the codex book, I found a few things I disliked too much to make my army straight into an Ultramarine unit. One of the things I disliked was the fact that the scouts was just a bunch of recruits lead by some experienced officer. I have seen Clint Eatwood in "Heartbreak Ridge" quite often, so I want scouts that can pack a punch and give a good fight to their enemies. To change this setting to my liking, I decided I had to make my own chapter of Space Marines.

Since I liked the Ultramarines so much, I designed a story for my new Utramarine chapter to allow me to use the Ultramarine colors and markings. Only change I've done is to paint the lower legs and feet in midnight blue insted of the traditional ultramarine blue. This change is also reflected in the scouts uniform.
It will also be reflected somehow on the Dreadnoughts and the different types of vehicles that the chapter will have at their disposal.
The chapter will be built just as a regular Ultramarines chapter, with the same equipment and will have the same units and company colors. The story behind this is that the Ultramarines outgrew their regular chapter size, and their commander gave some veterans the assignment of making up a 2nd Ultramarines company to serve in another part of the galaxy.
The veterans found a new home world, and recruited new marines, some from other standing units and some civillians from the new home world. As a result of this, the 1st company is a little thin, and they have not yet filled up all 10 companies required for a full Chapter. This will give me a long term plan of building my army unit by unit until a full Chapter. This also opens for the possibility of adding marines from other units, and give them the 2nd Ultramarines paintjob on top of an existing one.

The Chapter is caled the 2nd Ultramarines, and I plan to incorporate the number 2 into their uniform. How I'll make this is not yet clear, but I'll do some experimenting and decide along the way. Fo now the different colored legs will have to do.

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