mandag 7. juli 2008

The first Space Marine

At last... Here is my very first Space Marine for my very own chapter; the Second Ultras (as described earlier).
The Marine is still missing his company colors and markings, these will follow when I have decided what Battle company he belongs to.
The only thing indicating that this is a Marine from the 2nd Ultras and not a regular Ultramarine is the dark legs. I am working on the nessesary "fluff" to explain this, and will come back to this when all is ready. But the basic idea is described in an earlier post.

The Space Marine Devasatator with Lascannon proved to be a little challenge, so I look forward to creating the next to see if it was just this one model or if it is a general flaud with these kind of troops.
The problem with this mini is that the cannon is so big that it is impossible to get the torso to look natural.
The base is done with gravel from black quarts that I had left over after using it in an aquarium.
The main color of the Devastator is Ultramarine Blue, the contrast color from the knees down is Midnight Blue, which is so dark it borders to purple.
The cannon is mostly Boltgun Metal, with some Chainmail and Black.
The seal on the Devs left leg is Blood Red and Scull White.
The eyes are painted with different reds and some white, just as described in the "How to paint Space Marines" book from Citadel Miniatures. I'm not too happy with the eyes, but I guess it will improve with experience. Probaly the colors should be mixed while they're still wet.

I have also finished 8 scouts, but they are waiting for their bases to dry before I take snappshots of them individually. But I'll end this post with a group shot of them awaiting the bases to dry...

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