mandag 21. mai 2012

Thoughts for cavaly

While reading the rules for Apocalypse games, I see lots of pretty wehicles that has been painted up. This makes me think more of how I want my vehicles to look as well.
I had originally planned to use gray, yellow and black as camo patterns, but now I am seriously rethinking this. I also planned to keep my super heavies dark grey, but this is also being reconsidered.
As I have already painted one Leman Russ in the old scheme, I will paint up at lest two more like it, and give them ranged guns. The idea is that they will be used in open areas where long range is important.
Then there will be tanks with the pattern of light gray, dark gray and black. These tanks will be for urban warfare, and I think this will be the general patterns for my tanks and vehicles. The specific pattern will vary a bit from tank to tank and unit to unit, as my fluff wil state that the tanks are delivered with the factory paint of dark gray as this will fit my painting routines nicely.

The Xerxes forces are so lucky that they have several super heavy tanks. This comes after they have been merged with other cavaly forces during several operations. I was thinking of keeping these tanks dark gray, but after reading the rulebook for Apocalypse I've seen a lot of very nicely painted super heavies with camouflage patterns, and I have started to think of painting mine in a three color scheme as well. If I end up doing this, it will be dark gray base, with light gray and black fields to add unity with the Leman Russ tanks.

The Sentinels will be gray for the ones used with cadian-type troops, and probably catachan green for the ones serving wih the catachan-type units.
I am a little uncertain on how I will paint up my flying units, but they will either be gray or catachan green base and probably with yellowish trim. I might add some camouflage patterns to them, but I'm not sure of that yet.

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