onsdag 16. mai 2012

Update on the Armies

I see I did a "what to come in the future" for my armies some months back, and thought it would be nice to look in to the crystal ball again and look at my futrure plans:

As stated in my last post, there are things happening here. Temple of Skulls is the first thing I plan to work on, to try and get the good vibrations for my way of painting rocks before I get going on all my towers and buildings. I will also prime and paint the forrest that I have started to build, as I have a good idea on how I want that to look as a finished piece.

Bretonnians & Empire:
I don't think I ever will have my own armies for these miniatures, but I plan to paint up Brets and Empire to use as citizens for my town. I might get the Empire rulebook sometime in the future to use those rules if I end up playing with this army. But for now this will purely be a good exercise in Diorama making. I have several core units of Brets to paint, and with the new paint range from Games Workshop it should be cool to paint colorful knights. I also have an Empire witchhunter to paint up, and I think he will be done first as he is intended as an inhabitant of the Skullvane Manse.

Chaos (Warriors of Chaos):
This army is looking at an update containing more warriors (one unit of Khorne followers and some general units), more knights (currently only have two knights painted up, but these are not based yet), some chosen warriors, special characters, Lords and heroes and let's not forget the Marauders.
I will also finish the bases for my hounds.

This is an army that I do intend to play with. The next things to come for this army will be Thundrers and Quarrelers, a Gyrocopter, some special figures (White Dwarf subscription minis for 2011 and 2012) and then I will expand the army with the minis I have on the shelves. There is at least two units of regular warriors, I have the metal Thorek Ironbrow and his smitty, a metal Goblin heaver, one or two cannons, and some minis bought from Ebay and other places (among them a unit of miners and an almost finished Avatars of War dwarf to lead some thunderers).

Next thing to do here will be my River Trolls, a unit of three trolls are already partly assembled and will be painted up as soon as I have finished painting my ongoing 40.000-project.
Then there are several units of Goblins of all kinds to paint up, along with an Arachnarok spider or two and a giant who can work both in this army and my Chaos army.

Imperial Guard:
The first thing to come here is the Cadian heavy weapon squad I am working on at the moment. Then there will be a veteran unit (Bastion's Bastards), the remaining 5 troopers to make a whole unit of my five loose troopers, and there is a myriad of troops and special characters to paint up here. I also have lots of vehicles to paint (including two super heavy tanks and several Leman Russ tanks). I should also finish up the unit of Ogryns and a command unit that has been standing on my table for a long long time. This army will grow in to a solid army over time, and what I plan to paint next changes from day to day as my mood shifts or inspiration comes and goes. But a good bet would be that I will do my best to get the units already started off my painting desk.

There are two items to paint up here. I have a unit of Leadbelchers that is standing on the shelves, and also a special figure (Bragg the Gutsman). Of these two Bragg is the one being painted first, but I would like to try and paint another resin figure that is a little cheaper before I start on him as he costs as much as a whole unit from another army.

Sisters of Battle:
There are some semi-painted minis on my work table, and I plan to finish painting these up. At the moment they will only be used for adding some detail in a Space Marine or Imperial Guard diorama, but in the long term I hope to be able to have a small force of Sisters to field in games of Appocalypse alongside my Space Marines.

Space Marines:
There are so many things to paint up for this army. I have started to paint lots of Marines, and I will need to finish them. Then there are all the Marines I have bougth that are assembled but not painted, and lets not forget all the units still in their boxes and on their sprues.
I have an entire first company in Terminator armor to paint up, and several other first company veterans. There are also lots of different troops and vehicles that needs to be painted.

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