mandag 15. februar 2016

Nurgle update

I was at Games Workshop in Oslo yesterday and worked on my minis for a few hours. I had planned to prime and spray three Plague Drones, but because of the raw air outside I only got to spray one. All tree were primed, but after spraying the first with Zandri Dust I concluded along with one of the staff members that the weather was not optimal for spray painting. It was both cold and raw air, so the paint did not cover the model as it was supposed to. Instead of flowing smoothly it sort of clumped together a bit. I managed to spray the remaining two at home later in the evening, but they needed time to try before I could work on them.
The one drone I spray-painted at GW ended up looking quite ok, but I see that the paint layer is thicker than with other things I have sprayed.

The riders that will sit on the top of the Plage Drones were hand painted Zandri Dust with a brush after I had primed them with black spray.

The riders and the painted drone were then washed with quite a heavy coat of Biel-Tan green wash, and I think the result were quite good. It certainly gives the models a Nurgly feel, but at least on the riders there are details that will need other colors such as open wounds and intestines.

The plan forward is to paint the parts on the drones that looks like an armored shell with the same green as I use for the skin of my Orks (Castellan Green), and then I think the claws and horns will need to be painted with Ushabti Bone to make it look like the sculls, horns and bones I usually paint.

I'm still trying to figure what color I want to have on the wings, as I am thinking that they are about the same material as wings on bumblebees and wasps, but because the Plague Drones are so much bigger it might be a more solid material. At the moment I am leaning towards a light grey for them, maybe Celestra Grey.

The Nurgle faction of my regular chaos warriors are coming along nicely. I have assembled twelve of the twenty-four models so far, and will take the last twelve in a few days time. Then comes the time-consuming work of painting everything up. I am thinking of seeing how they will look with silver helmets washed with the right color according to their belief. The Slaanesh ones are all silver with purple wash and that came out very nice, so I am debating with myself if I might paint the helmets of my Nurgle and Khorne warriors silver and wash it green and red accordingly. This might be a thing to differentiate them from the black chaos warriors that don't have any specific mark, claiming that they either paint their helmets silver or remove the black paint as part of their ritual when they start to worship a specific Chaos God. If it looks nice, this would certainly give my warriors a distinct look, and that is something I like on my miniatures.

Being inspired after seeing that the Plague Drone with green wash looked good, I started to work on my Maggoth Lord. Long ago I decided that I would like to assemble mine as Bloab Rotspawned, and now he is mostly done. I have a few details left to fix on his saddle, and then I need to fix that to the beast. On this model I will try and do the base before I add the monster to it, so I will not glue it on to the base at the moment. It stands very well without being fixed to the base, so it will be no problem doing it that way.

I have also taken two packs of Putrid Blightkings up to my worktable and I plan to give them the same treatment as the Plague Drones to make them look sickly green and Nurgly. With these packs I can make ten warriors, and they will be the elite of the Nugle warriors.

Then I will assemble and paint some Khorne warriors from the Bloodbound boxes along with my Khorne Chaos Warriors, in order to get the same feel on the entire range. I am not sure if these warriors also will get the silver helmets or if they will have them in the same red paint as their armor. but I will have to see what I do and what it will look like.

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