onsdag 24. februar 2016

Plage Drones complete - Pictures

I'm calling the Plague Drones done now.
I decided to glue the riders on to the drones to make sure the correct rider gets on the right drone each time. It makes transportation a little harder, but it is hard anyway.
The light is not too good, but this is an attempt in the morning light today. Here is the unit together for the first time, ready to bring the blessings of Father Nugle to the world...

This is the musician. He uses a bone club with a metal scull attached to it to bang on the bronze bell. For some reason the followers of Nurgle likes bells. The musician in the Blight King box also carries a large bell around with him.

The unit champion is the most gory character, with his guts hanging out and flapping about. He had a scull hanging from his sword, but it broke off. And quite frankly I think it looks better without it.
I added a closeup of his open stomach. To get the gory effect I used Carroburg Crimson shade both on the guts and on the open belly, and I think this worked out very "nice".

Then we have the standard bearer. I was planning on painting the banner in the same color as the wings of the Plague Drones, but then I noticed that it looked very much like being metal. So I painted it in bronze instead, and I think it came out quite well.

This last picture is posted because I thought the light was nice here and it shows the base and the wings quite well. The light green on the bases are splotches of Nurgle's Rot.
The wings were washed with Agrax Eathshade, and I gave the shield a wash as well. That worked a lot better than the Biel-Tan green I used first. I also ended up using Agrax Earthshade on the horns and claws, and that also worked a lot better than the other choices I tried.

Like the Dwarf Ironbreakers I will try and get better pictures when the light is better.

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