torsdag 18. februar 2016

The Dwarf Clan is on the move

It's hard to stick to one project at a time...

While waiting for the layers of spray-paint to dry on my Chaos Daemons Plague Drones I used my time well, washing ten old Dwarf Ironbreakers with full command. I should have brought my last box of Chaos Warriors and assembled that, but the Dwarfs was more tempting...
These Ironbreakers have been standing in the "tray" of "almost done models" for a long, long time.
They were painted to a fairly high standard (at least for me) but had not been washed. So I sat down and used the same washes I did on my Ogres, The little bits of skin showing were washed with Reikland Flesh, armour with Nuln Oil and I also used Reikland Flesh on the hair and beards.
Because the Gromril Armour is supposed to be shiny, I drybrushed all platemail with the dry paint Necron Compound. The result came out very nice, and I will do this for all dwarfs wearing this kind of armour.

I still need to do their bases, but I am not hundred percent sure what I will do yet. I am leaning towards very simple bases, painted with Astrogranite, a grey technical paint.
The dwarfs are mounted on very small bases after all, and then I can do more with the miniatures where I have more base to work with, like with the Grudge ponies and cannons.

I found all my assembled dwarfs on Monday afternoon, and I see from my miners that using rocks on top of the bases is not the best alternative. I thought it looked real cool when I did it, but it don't look as good now. So perhaps will it be better to use more technical paints and less flock and stones. Then I can use only small spots of flock, stones, and other basing materials to break up the monotony.
I will see if I can scrape the rocks off the bases, if not I might have to re-base them. It is not a huge job though, as it is only ten miners. Their Grudge Ponies were not based, so I will base them along with the ones I am currently painting up.

I would like to have more Ironbreakers in my unit, and I found six more with the flat helmets in the box where I keep all the Dwarfs I inherited, so I will add them in to the unit after I have re-painted them to fit with the others. They will also need new shields as they don't have their shields anymore.

I have three new boxes of plastic Ironbreakers, but they look so different from the metal ones that I lean towards building them all as Irondrakes. They are also really cool and puts fear in their enemies with their harpoon-like weapons. A unit of 30 Irondrakes will really pack a punch, and I think it will look awesome on the table.

The next Dwarf project will be building my Ranger unit, as I have started to cut the Rangers off the sprues already. They will all be armed with crossbows and have axes on their backs. As they all have cloaks I will have to see how I do it with the axes, but I hope I can find a way for them to have them as I would like to separate them from the Quarrelers who will be armed with crossbows only.

But before I do too much with my Dwarfs I will have to see the Chaos project through, and that will take some time...

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