søndag 6. juli 2014

One more Leman Russ is ready, and Hydra is started

I have assembled one more Leman Russ Demolisher, so that I now have the grand total of 2...
On the first one I have added a plow. I planned to add one to the second one also, but the plow I had in the Chimera kit did not fit at all. It ended up standing to long in front of the tank for it to look good.
But I have ordered more of the right plows on Ebay and they will probably arrive within a few weeks. The plows can be assembled any time, so I don't need them to paint or add details to the tanks I am buliding.
The plan is to build one more demolisher, and field them as one unit of 3, and they can also be part of a tank company if I get enough tanks to field that in the future (9 tanks and a lead Chimera I believe).

I have also assembled the hull of my first Hydra. The Hydra has 4 long-barreld autocannons, that fire at a really high rate, and it is ideal for anti aircraft defence. I plan to field at least two of them, and also make a Wyvern (they build from the same box) The difference between them is the armament. The Hydra has long autocannons, while the Wyvern has mortars that rain shrapnel over the infantry.
I have assembled all I can of the first Hydra before I start to paint it up. Before I build the quad gun and the control area, I need to paint up the crew and details. This also means I have to decide if I like my crew to have the same uniform as the tankers or the infantry. So far I find arguments that swings both ways, so I will take a little time to decide. In the meantime I might make some more orks.

I have started to paint my Orks now. So far only two Boyz as a test to find the colours for the entire Ork army, and I am also painting up the Trukk so I can assemble that.
When I decide on the final paint scheme, I will take some pictures and post here.

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