onsdag 9. juli 2014

What's left to make... Ogre Kingdom

The time has come to present the Ogres.
I like to use spare heads from my Ogres to build Bullgryns in Warhammer 40.000, so I have hopes that this army will have some progress as I need to take the heads I need for the Ogres in the box before I can take spare heads to use on my Bullgryns.

I have a unit of 4 Leadbelchers (1 box) that are partly assembled. There are some places where it would be hard to paint if I build everything first, so I will assemble the rest after they are painted
Also i need to paint and add some details like axes, pouches with meat, beer barrels and things like that.
I will add some Gnoblars to the unit, but I will have to do the painting first, to see where I have room to add them on the bases.

I have 4 characters for this army. 1 Tyrant that I plan to use as the boss, 1 Slaughtermaster, 1 Maneater (the paymaster, a web exclusive miniature) and Bragg the Gutsman. These are all finecast minis.
Bragg is a miniature that ended up in my posession just because he looks cool. He's sort of like a real mean hangman from the middle ages, and I like that. I look forward to painting him up, and hope I do him justice.

In addition to the unit of Leadbelchers that I am currently working on, I have 2 more units still in their boxes, so I get to field a lot of cannons on the battlefield. I am not sure how I will field them yet, but I'll figure it out as I paint the Ogres up.

2 boxes of Ironguts adds up the rest of the infantry so far, along with a painted unit of regular Ogres.
I need to buy some more infantry units in the future, but not before I have painted up what I already have.

I have 2 boxes of Gnoblar fighters. They are probably not the big fighters, but I plan to have some fun with them. I am not sure if I can field both boxes as one big unit, or if I need to make two uinits of them, but I plan to keep them in as few units as possible. Maybe I might swap some of them with the Gnoblars that come with the other Ogre boxes. I also plan to make a command squad with a standard bearer, a so called champion and a musician. If it works, I plan to use some drums that are left from an old orc box and glue them to the back of one Gnoblar, and have another one walk behind him to bang on them. They will not have any practical use as  a command squad in the game, but I just like to make the unit look a little cooler.

The cavalry is made up of 2 boxes of Mournfang cavalry. This are very nice sets, and I plan to paint the fur of the Mournfang in the same colours as the Rhinox that pull the Ironblaster or the Scraplauncher (depending on what I choose to build as the box can make either one). An then I can use the same colours on the Thundertusk or Stonehorn as well. This will give all the animals a nice coherent look and make the units look as they come form the same area.

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