tirsdag 8. juli 2014

What's left to make... Warriors of Chaos

This is the first army I ever bought miniatures for, and it is also one of the smallest armies I have.
I have some Warriors of Chaos assembled, and also some Chaos Hounds and one or two Knights. But there are only a few warriors that are all done with bases.

I am not fond of all the deamons and heavy mutations, so I want to have an army consisting of mostly human-looking warriors. As many of the warriors as possible will wear the helmets that hide their faces, so no one knows exactly how they look under their armour.
The bases here will be covered with flock that looks like dead or tainted grass (don't remember the name of it right now, but it is flock from Games Workshop/Citadel).

I have a box called Warriors of Chaos Spearhead, it was released with all the new miniatures when the Warroris of Chaos line was re-released some time back. It includes the first release of minatures like Sigvald the Magnificent and Wulfrick the Wanderer in metal, and they are now available in the current range in Finecast.

I have assembled some of the minis in the spearhead, but I know there are special characters and also Chaos Chosen left unassembled in th box. For the Chosen, I might have to buy them in finecast or plastic to build them as the metal minis are really bent and I fear they might break if I try to bend them back. But I will see what I do when I come around to building them.

I have 3 Knights of the current range that are cut from the sprues and awaiting assembly and painting. The remaining two Knights from the box are built but awaiting basework.

I also have 12 Warriors (one box) cut from the sprues and awaiting assembly and painting. This is a unit I have put together from the Warriors of Chaos box and from my bitbox to make them look like followers of Khorne - The Blood God.
They are mostly equipped with axes and a bit more brutal weapons than the unit called "the Shining" that are all equipped with swords.

There are also several sets that are in their boxes. I have 2 Marauder sets, one with regular Marauders and one with Horsemen. Ideally these units should be added to with more of the same as they are rather weak. They are basically humans following Chaos and do not have the toughness of the Chaos Warriors or Knights.

2 Warriors of Chaos boxed sets (one is old, the other is the current box) will be made in to warriors. I have no idea yet if they will belong to one special God or if they will be just regular warriors. I guess I'll decide that when I start planning them.

The final sets are 3 boxes of the newest Chaos Knights. They have the big, mean horses, and the two Knigts I have assembled so far was quite ok to assemble and paint. Still have to figure out how to base them though, as I like them to look good while still being glued in a solid way to their bases. I will look into the possibility of making some sort of sceninc bases for them.

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