mandag 7. juli 2014

What's left to make... Warhammer 40K Scenery

I have lots of scenery for Warhammer 40.000. Most of it is either buldings or fortifications.
This fits the background well, and I have some plans as to how I want it to look when everything is set up together. I have already assembled several things, but I need to prime it and paint it.

I have a Shrine of the Aquila built almost straight out of the box. The only thing that differs from the box is the placement of the walkways inside the building.
This Shrine was originally the first of two shrines, but the other shrine is much bigger. The history of this is blogged about here.
In front of the biggest Shrine of the Aquila there will be a broken Imperial Eagle and a statue of a Space Marine from the Honored Imperium set. There is also parts of an Aquila wall that will be placed near the small Shrine.

I have built 4 Quake gun craters, these are assembled, but need some treatment with liquid greenstuff before they get primed, as I think there are too visible lines where the two halves have been glued together.

The Vengeance weapon battery is built with one of each tower, one Battle cannon and one Punisher cannon. The idea is to add another set at a later time, also with one of each, so that I can use them either as single gun towers or in pairs as I see fit.

The first of two Imperial bunkers are assembled and awaiting primer. The second bunker is still in the box. The bunkers will be used as part of the defence lines, along with one set called Imperial defence line, and one called Imperial defence emplacement. I plan to add these together in such a way that they can be used in different configurations depending on how I assemble the fortifications. The defence lines will run between buildings and the gun emplacements. The emplacements have several openings where defence lines can be added, so they will be the hubs in the defence network.
In this network there will also be an Aquila Strongpoint that is still in the box, and a Firestorm redoubt (also in the box). I will probably need some more trenches between them.

In the ruined city, and maybe also in the trenches there will be parts from the Battlefield Accessories set where it looks fitting.

Somewhere in the area I will find a place to set up the Battlescape set, this is a set that combines some dead trees with an abandoned Rhino and have some very nice details. This is one of the sets I look most forward to working with.

I also have a Skyshield landingpad that I will try to find a good place for in the battle zone. My original idea is to try and build it so it looks like it is part of some of the buildings in the town, but I will see what I can come up with. This will probably have the Aegis defence line set up around it as it is a key structure for the forces fighting in the region to hold on to.

The ruined buldings will be made from a Sanctum Imperialis (still in the box), a Basilica Administratium (in the box) and 3 boxes of Manufactorums. I plan to build all these sets quite freely to create different buldings in the ruined town.

I also have the communications tower from an Imperial Bastion that I will add to the ruins as a key point that needs protction, so this will either be close to the Skyshiled landingpad, or it will get some Aegis shields for itself.

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