tirsdag 22. juli 2014

What's left to make... Imperial Guard (or Astra Militarum if one should be 100% correct) part 2

Part 1 of this blogpost listed up all the vehicles of the army so I thought I should start where I left off and go on with the troops...

One of the last things I mentioned in Part 1 was the two Tauroxes. They will carry Tempestus Scions to war. I will probably make one Taurox and one Taurox Prime, and fill them with the correct troops. 
I have four boxes of Militatum Tempestus Scions that needs transportation. The Tempestus Scions are the new Elite troops of the Astra militarum.
I also have six boxes of Bullgryns/Ogryns to assemble and paint. I plan to use one of the Ogryns as Nork Deddog and the two remaining in the pack will be used as Bullgryns with battle mauls and suppression shields. I already have three Bullgryns (one box) that I am painting up, and they're armed with grenadier gauntlets and slab shields. I also plan to make some regular Ogryns with ripper guns. 
I like Ogryns, so there might be more of them in the future. They will also get their own Commissar, and I might give one of them a banner just for show.
I have two single Ogryns of the old type still in their blister packs awaiting assembly, and four of them (one is a Bone 'ead) that just needs some final painting and basework. The old Ogryns look nothing like the new ones, but as long as I keep them  in two separate units they might just be from two different regions of the planet or different planets or something like that...

I have one box of Catachans and two boxes of Cadians to assemble, and I also have one box of Cadian troops that came in the Cadian armoured fist box. All boxes have ten troops in them. Along with that I have a blister with three Catachans with asault weapons. In addition to these minis I have five Cadians that are partially assembled and painted to fill up a unit of five troopers that are completed earlier (snap-tite troops).
There are 10 Cadians that are partially assembled, 10 that are assembled and primed, 10 Catachans that are assembled and primed, and 10 Cadian veterans (Bastion's Bastards) that are almost ready for the gaming table.

One metal command squad with 6 Cadian troops will be the command squad for my entire regiment, and they are almost complete, except from a few minor details. There is also one Catachan lieutenant, but he is still in his blister.
This command squad will be accompanied by 3 regimantal advisors (metal minis, still in the box), and I think Nork Deddog will have a place here as well. There is also a single Primaris psyker (also metal and in his blister) that might join this command squad.

As mentioned in Part 1, Knight Commander Pask (he'll get a new identity eventually) is going to ride to battle in a Leman Russ Vanquisher that I have assembled. He is partially painted.
But he is not the only character I have for the army. Sergeant Bastion was going to be a character, but Bastonne (that I based him on) was removed as a character in the new rulebook, so he will just be a veteran sergeant with a history. Gunnery Sergeant Harker is still in the book, and I have him as a metal miniature. Colour Sergeant Kell and Lord Castellan Creed are two finecast minis also still in their blisters.
I have one Lord Commissar in finecast, two Officio Prefectus Commissars in plastic (one of them will be attached to the Ogryn Auxillery), and four regular Commissars in metal (three of them is just missing a little paint and some basework).

For the tanks in Part 1 I have 3 metal tank commanders, and I will place them in various vehicles throughout the army.

There are several heavy weapon teams that are awaiting painting and basework. I have two squads (six teams) of Catachans, and eight teams (two squads + two separate bases) of Cadians. It also appears that I have one more squad still on the sprues, but I am not sure if they are Cadian or Catachans yet.
There is also a Catachan special weapons team (two metal minis) to paint and base.

My forces also have with them Ratling Snipers, and I have nine snipers based and awaiting paint, and one blister with three more Ratlings still unopened.

The final mini is also a metal one, an Imperial preacher tagging along with the army. He is armed with a chain sword so he will fight as well, but I do not currently know in what unit. If I find the right kind of miniatures I might try to make a group of militia or rag-tag soldiers to fill the role of suvivors from the defence force on the planet that my troops are sent to defend. Don't need to be many survivors left, just one or two squads. Time will show what I manage to come up with...

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